NIGHTMARE (1998) -- The very first horror film script I've ever written. It was pretty much RESIDENT EVIL 1 and 2 mixed into one big movie, that two teenagers could never make. The only script I had ever written used an actual bound notebook.
THE LEGEND (1998) -- A slasher with a certain amount of SCREAM and some truly messed up mythos. Just remember "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary." Decent script, but fails in actual suspense and the slasher was just predictable.
JASON VS. MICHAEL (1999) -- My attempt at fan fiction to get on at either New Line Cinema or Dimension Films. Loved by me, loathed by fans of both series. Occasionally, I get e-mails from people that want to actually film this script, but I've pretty much nixed the idea of the script ever being a film. ERIC HIERS (BOOGEYMAN and EAST LAKE HIGH: V-DAY) was in line to Direct the film through his studio, Matchbox Pictures. ALL CHARACTERS PROPERTY OF NEW LINE CINEMA AND DIMENSION FILMS EXCEPT WHERE NOTED.
HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL: HELL'S AWAKENING (1999) -- Based on Characters Created By Dick Bebe -- Another fan fiction screenplay of mine. I'm one of the few that enjoyed the remake to HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, but wanted to see so much more. Once more I found myself bringing back the surviving cast members of the original and teaming them with a team of paranormal investigators. It was a rough sequel script that went through various changes as I wrote it. Sadly, the script never fully reached completion. I was trying to make something unique from a decently plotted remake. Just didn't happen though. ALL CHARACTERS PROPERTY OF WARNER BROS. AND WILLIAM CASTLE EXCEPT WHERE NOTED.
TWILIGHT (2000) -- This date is connected to the most complete draft of the film. This is also the only draft, that managed to get close to being filmed. Zombie flick in the vain of RESIDENT EVIL and DAWN OF THE DEAD. One script is available to read on the net. Not my best to date, but some nice Romero references.
DEADPOOL (2000) -- A full feature length adaptation of Marvel Comic's DEADPOOL. A complete comic trip with comedy and action at its heart. My only wish was that the script had more character depth than all the slice and dice action, but it was essentially the comic book complete with character's from the comics. This script was a ball to write, but copyrights and budgets are something that one can't avoid.
HALLOWEEN THE SERIES (1999-2000) also Creator -- 2 EPISODES -- "TV PILOT -- Evil Never Dies" and "The Strode House" -- This series was my first attempt at a TV Pilot and a number of episodes. It fell to bad planning on my part and a very underdeveloped plot, which I felt couldn't make it through a seasons worth. Originally, I intended to let the show run for two to three seasons. ERIC HIERS was onboard as a writer and web designer. Scripts available at the offical site: PURELY FAN FICTION. ALL CHARACTERS EXCEPT WHERE NOTED ARE PROPERTY OF DIMENSION FILMS.
BOOGEYMAN RESURRECTION (2001/2) Co-writer -- Never Completed -- CHARACTERS CREATED BY ERIC HIERS -- This script was a sequel planned even before the third BOOGEYMAN script was reaching completion. Simply put, I just tossed in pages, that didn't lead to anything. I could have finished the film, but couldn't find the heart to finish someone else's character. The project just got way out of hand for my taste and some part of me felt like I had done the film before. I had enjoyed the first two scripts much more and couldn't see doing another sequel. Just didn't seem right at all. Check out Eric Hiers' MATCHBOX PICTURES site here:
P.O.V. A STUDENT FILM (2002) -- A documentary about my life. This is the first onscreen appearence of the Twilight Productions logo and it was spelled wrong. The first of two class assignments. Basically my first attempt to plug my studio while still getting a grade -- scripted entirely with that idea in mind. RUNS 15 MINUTES.
BOOK OF THE DEAD (2002) -- My tribute to EVIL DEAD and BLAIR WITCH. The last of two films I completed for one of my high school classes. Decent, but could have been a lot better with more planning and more time. One of my most troubled shoots. Rain, script rewrites on the flight, and trouble with the cast. Ended up with a A- becuase I didn't define fear. RUNS 30 MINUTES.
TRUTH(S) (2003) -- Film Noir with a MEMENTO kind of twist. Actually scheduled for production, but never saw the light of the day due to dileemas on set. One scene was shot and put away forever. Part of me is planning to get this script going at one point or another
UNTITLED - TV PILOT (2003) -- A planned horror TV series, that would be different horror stories every week. Something like TALES FROM THE CRYPT minus the intros. This Pilot bears some inspiration on later projects, particulary DARK.
NOCTURNAL - TV PILOT (2004) -- Detective meets DEAD LIKE ME with a very gothic twist with a dash of ANGEL. This is my third attempt at a TV Pilot script. If anything this was my first mixture of a film noir and horror. It's 22 pages all total and it leaves itself open for more episodes, which I may write on down the road in the near future.
EPISODES - 1.01 - "BULLSEYE" (Completed May 4, 2005)
"CARRIER" -- PART ONE (Completed May 6, 2005)
"INTO" -- Pilot -- (Completed June 20, 2005)
BOOGEYMAN: RESURRECTION (2001/2) Co-writer to Eric Hiers, who was at the time writing BOOGEYMAN 3 and finishing up SUMMER BREEZE 2.
JASON VS. MICHAEL (2005) I did the all too infamous script above and Eric was going to turn it into a film, but the script is outdated to current HALLOWEEN and FRIDAY standards. Eric has borrowed elements from my original script to make this current draft, which sounds fantastic making a much stronger script.
-Starring -- Derek Andrew Sharp
-Starring -- Ricky Burrnet, Billy Gaines, Pedro Pinto, and Derek Sharp.
BOOK OF THE DEAD (2002) - A very simple trailer that shows what could be the most horrorific moments of this film. Its a trailer prepared for a movie that only had one showing. A very rough trailer but it gets its point across.
TRUTH(S) (2003) -- We recorded an improv. sequence involving Jacob Begley (Nolan) and lead actor, Jonathon Thomas (Alexander) right at the end of the summer. The sequence is pretty fluid, but goes nowhere. Clocks in at just under 4 minutes and remains in a solid wide shot looking at both characters.
PUNISHER (2004) -- This was our studios attempt at covering the origin of Frank Castle as the Punisher. We attempted a number of ideas and outlines for this one. The Treatment was pretty much the classic Punisher origin but Artisan/Lion's Gate had a film coming out at that time thus this film never went into production.

EVIL DEADER: BOOK OF THE DEAD 2 (2005) -- The first treatment of the new year. Basically, a sequel to ARMY OF DARKNESS involving new characters.
- Just recently polished another draft of EVIL DEADER.
P.O.V. A STUDENT FILM (2002) -- As Myself
I'm pretty much front and center here. Behind and in front of the camera. Technically no acting involved, just me narrating and talking about my life.
BOOK OF THE DEAD (2002) -- As Myself
Actually visually on camera for all of three seconds in an interview section. Thereafter, I'm behind the camera directing the action or attempting to throw in as many plot twists as I can make up. Acting in this case is strictly focused on making it through the project as the filmmaker version of "me".
I EAT POOP - THE CNN EPISODE (2004) - Unbilled -- Interviewee
I EAT POOP is a well-known public access show in the area. The show itself has a pretty big fanbase. Essentially, it's a comedy show that runs a half hour at 12:30am on Insight Communications Channel 98. I knew one of the female actresses that was on the show and was offered the chance to do a small part for creator, Jimmy Tits. (The name is a joke -- think COFFIN JOE.) Jimmy interviewed me for about two minutes and I was on a couple of seconds all total. To say, the least it was a fun experience. Jimmy has done an excellent film in respect to SNATCH, entitled BASTARD (, that I highly recommend. You can check it out on the offical site for the show here:
CLASS OF 1999 - "ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL" (2002) -- A short three minute film of mixed footage from my high school days. The one copy was lost amongst the tapes in my media class. Probably erased for new class footage. It turned out decent, not spectular, but I enjoyed it. An entire Spanish class sat through the video two or three times, so I was entirely happy with that.
My attempt to restart the SUPERMAN titles following Mark Waid's SUPERMAN BIRTHRIGHT arc. This concept was originally going to run as a 3 part mini-series, which would then lead into an ongoing SUPERMAN series.
Another attempt at an ongoing title this time with another favorite character of mine. This was a HUGE planned arc that would run over a year in the main title in the vein of Jeph Loeb and Frank Miller's BATMAN. It would have revamped Batman and given him a new perspective.
BRAWL (Short Story) -- A real twisted short story, that I wrote during my first semester of college in Creative Writing. The story followed the brutal fall of a man and his actions. Most people didn't get it -- it was either too dark or too short on character. The twist ending was pretty much a success -- those that got it enjoyed it, those that didn't just scratched their heads.
Based on the above mentioned fan script I wrote. I rewrote the ending, smoothed out some plot details and added some new elements. Eric Hiers was scheduled to direct, but I didn't hand over the finished script. So it never happened. Eric Hiers has written his own draft, which contains components from my earlier dated draft.
STUDIO: Matchbox Pictures
Based on the above mentioned entry and being tackled by Eric Hiers, Matchbox Pictures. Strictly involved as a Consulting Producer since I developed the series and wrote two episodes.
STUDIO: Matchbox Pictures
Scripts By Eric Hiers, Owner of MATCHBOX PICTURES
THE BOOGEYMAN -- Reviewed 7/18/2002
BOOGEYMAN 101 -- Reviewed 7/18/2002
SUMMER BREEZE -- Reviewed Early Draft 7/18/2002
Reviewed Final Draft 1/2/2005
FILMBUFFS -- Reviewed Final Draft 5/1/2005
LILTH -- Reviewed Rough Draft 5/3/2005
TWILIGHT (1999-2005) -- Self-explainatory.
JASON VS. MICHAEL (1999-2002) -- Additional Scenes and Dialogue Deletion.
DEADPOOL (2000) -- Rewrote the Introduction 12 to 15 times.
TRUTH(S) (2003) -- Rewrote Dialogue, Scene Locations and Certain Elements Within Scenes.